Еще о маньяках, а также о честной британской журналистике

Вот так выглядит статья в The Times об интервью Ксении Собчак с маньяком.

Putin’s ‘god-daughter Kseniya Sobchak gives rapist airtime to justify his crimes

Tom Parfitt, MoscowFriday March 26 2021, 9.00am GMT, The Times

Viktor Mokhov told Kseniya Sobchak that holding hostages was a slip-up
Viktor Mokhov told Kseniya Sobchak that holding hostages was a slip-up

Viktor Mokhov told Kseniya Sobchak that holding hostages was a slip-up

A Russian TV presenter with ties to President Putin has come under fire for giving a platform to a man who repeatedly raped a girl and a young woman over four years in a bunker under his garage.

Putin’s ‘god-daughter Kseniya Sobchak gives rapist airtime to justify his crimes | World | The Times

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